Montracon’s Retractostrap
Montracon’s Retractostrap promises to improve loading safety, load security and vehicle turnaround times. Handled from ground level, when loading, ratchet linked load retention straps are drawn along wires – on either side or down the middle of a trailer – over the load to the position required, the suspended strap then being easily retrieved and pulled down to couple with a strap/tensioner secured to a floor mounted lashing ring or
drop down cleat in the side rave.
Fallcheck–helping to reduce accidents, saving you money
Fallcheck – developed jointly by Montracon and its customers to help stem the alarming number of falls from open deck trailers.
Fallcheck – checks operator movement at the side/rear raves while allowing freedom to move along and across a trailer bed.
Fallcheck – includes an operator harness linked via a clip on strap to a nylon slider set within the ‘check’ track that runs along the centre of the trailer.
Fallcheck -primarily for curtainsiders and flat platforms.
Fallcheck – available for retrofit in Montracon approved workshops.